Street collections

If you want to collect money or sell articles in any street or public place, for the benefit of charitable or other purposes, then you must hold a street collection permit.  A Pedlar’s certificate, for those selling door to door, cannot be used for charitable street collections.

To apply for a Street Collection Permit applicants must complete an application form and return it to the Licensing Team at the Council with any relevant literature.  For example if the applicant does not work for the charity a letter of authorisation from the charity addressed to the applicant agreeing the collection is required.  To apply for a Permit you can apply via or if you prefer to apply by post please complete and return our Street Collection Application Form

>The application for a licence must be made no later than the first day of the month preceding that in which the collection is purposed to take place.  The Licensing Team holds a diary, and should be contacted in the first instance in order to ascertain what dates are free in the area you wish to collect in.

Tandridge District Council reserve the right to make more detailed enquiries about your application in certain circumstances. 

Tandridge District Council reserve the right to refuse any application for a Street Collection Permit and it is likely that any previous contravention of the Council’s Street Collection Regulations would result in such action being taken.

On receiving your permit it is important for you to consider the following:

  • That you have retained and understood the Council’s Street Collection Regulations controlling your collection.
  • That you have provided written authority for your collectors to take part in the collection.
  • That your collectors are over 16 years of age.
  • That you make arrangements for the return of the statement of income showing the details of monies raised to be countersigned by an accountant or other independent, responsible person.

Charities canvassing the public on the street to donate by direct debit do not need a licence from us. We do, however, encourage them not to overlap their activities with any charities that have applied/already have permission to hold street collections.

Members of the Institute of Fundraising are reminded they should follow its Code of Fundraising Practice.

Within one month of the date of the collection, the person to whom the permit was granted shall forward the following return to the Licensing Team:

  • An account of the proceeds of the collection which has been certified by that person and either a qualified accountant or independent responsible person acceptable to the Council.
  • List of collectors.
  • A list of the amounts contained in each collecting box.

Return forms will be sent to you when your permit is issued, but if you need further forms they will be supplied on request from

Failure to submit the above return is an offence and may result in enforcement action being taken by the Council.

A new Street Collection Permit will not be issued to you if we are awaiting a Statement of Return for any previous collection(s).

Please contact us at should circumstances in relation to your permit change.

Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your licence is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period.

The target completion period is 28 calendar days.

Where there are grounds which could lead to the refusal of your application this period is likely to be extended to allow for Licensing Committee to determine your application

A Street Collection Permit provides authorisation to collect money or sell articles for charitable purposes.  Please be mindful that if you wish to provide ‘regulated entertainment’ whilst undertaking your collection you may also require a Premises Licence or Temporary Event Notice under the Licensing Act 2003.

Street: The expression ‘street’ includes any highway and any public bridge, road, land, foot-way, square, court, alley, or passage, whether a thoroughfare or not.

Charitable purposes: The ordinary meaning of ‘charitable purposes’ is given in the Charities Act 1960, s40, namely ‘purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales. It is suggested however that this section is not to be interpreted so strictly and indeed the words ‘charitable purposes’ are given a wider interpretation in s11 of the House to House Collections Act 1939, which states that ‘charitable purposes’ means any charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purpose whether or not the purpose is charitable within the meaning of any rule of law.

Public place: Tandridge District Council hold the opinion that a ‘public place’ is one to which the public has a right of access and not merely access as matter of fact.

It is likely that a permit would be required to stand in a shop doorway if money is collected from people as they pass down a street. Permits would not however be required for a collection held inside a shop, house, place of work or business i.e. in a public house, or the foyer of a cinema or theatre.

Please note that if you are collecting from one public house to the other you will need a House to House Collection Licence.

The conditions relating to Street Collections are held in the Tandridge District Council Street Collection Regulations.

There are no fees associated with this application process.

Permit holders are normally required to publish at their own expense, an account of the collection proceeds in a local newspaper.  Tandridge District Council has determined that this requirement is suspended as on receipt of the Statement of Return, the amounts collected will be published on the Council’s Website.

Details of street collections raising £150 or more must be published. We make that information available here:

As might be imagined, permits to collect in this way are in great demand and if the numbers were not controlled, there would be a danger that shoppers would resent being approached every time they visited town centres. To prevent this and yet to allow as many different organisations the chance to fundraise, the Council operates a policy of allowing one collection per area at any one time.

Where Street Collection Permits are granted in exceptional circumstances a relaxation of Regulation 3 of the Council's Street Collections Regulations shall be available, namely that applications under these circumstances need not be made one month before the date on which it is proposed to make the collection.

Sponsored walks do not need to be licensed but 'moving collections' such as carnival processions and events are not permitted as stated in the Tandridge Regulations. 10(a) a collector shall remain stationary. 

Any persons who act in contravention of the Council’s Street Collection Regulations shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Level 1 on the standard scale in the case of a first or subsequent offence.

Failed Application Redress: Contact the Local Authority in the first instance. There is no statutory right of appeal against refusal of a permit; however the High Court may review the decision.

Licence Holder Redress: Contact the Local Authority in the first instance.

Consumer Complaint: View our consumer complaints procedure.

Permitted applications

Street authorised or permitted collections are as follows:

Date Organisation Area National Exemption Order
25 February 2023 Rotary Club of Titsey and District Station Road East and Station Road West, Oxted.  
25 February 2023 Rotary Club of Caterham Church Walk, Caterham.  
4 March 2023 Rotary Club of Caterham Church Walk, Caterham.  
5 May 2023 Warlingham Committee Events The School Common, Warlingham.  
10 June 2023 Caterham & District Carnival Committee The Arc, Brigade Place, Guards Avenue, Coulsdon Road, Court Road, High Street, Westway Common  
25 June 2023 Oxted Rotary Pram Race Charitable Trust Master Park and Old Oxted  
8 July 2023 Renewed Hope Trust Oxted Town Centre Station Road East, and Station Road West  
27 July 2023 My Club Europe on behalf of United 24 Grange Meadow Bletchingley  
14 October 2023 St Catherine's Hospice Outside Boots, Station Road East, Oxted  
28 October 2023 The Poppy Appeal Royal British Legion Godstone NEO
4 November 2023 Marie Curie Queens Park ,Caterham  
4-11 November 2023 The Poppy Appeal Royal British Legion All Tandridge NEO
17 November 2023 BBC On behalf of Children In Need All Streets in Tandridge Borough  
18 November 2023 Warlingham Christmas Light Committee The Green, Limpsfield Road, Farleigh Road, Mint Walk, Westhall Road, and School Common Warlingham  
25-26 November 2023 Rotary Club of Caterham Knights Garden Centre Chelsham CR6 8DZ  
2-3 December 2023 Rotary Club Caterham Knights Garden Centre Chelsham CR6 8DZ  
7-8 December 2023 Rotary Club of Caterham Tesco Guard Avenue Caterham CR3 5QX  
8-9 December 2023 Rotary Club of Caterham Knights Garden Centre Chelsham CR6 8DZ  
16 December 2023 Rotary Club of Oxted and Limpsfield Station Road East 9am - 5pm  
16-17 December 2023 Rotary Club Caterham Knights Garden Centre Chelsham CR6 8DZ  
18 - 22 December 2023 Titsey and District Rotary Club Morrisons Car Park and Forecourt, Oxted  
19 - 20 December 2023 Rotary Club of Redhill Redstone Smallfield, Outwood, South Nutfield  
13 January 2024 St Catherines Hospice Outside Boots Station Road East, Oxted  
29 June 2024 Friends of Caterham Dene Hospital Church Walk, Caterham  
30 June 2024 Rotary Club of Oxted Master Park, Oxted- High Street, Old Oxted  
26 October 2024 The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal  Godstone 8am-6pm  
4-11 November 2024 The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal  All Tandridge 8am-6pm