Speaking about a planning application

Planning Committees are held at the Council Offices in Oxted starting at 7.30pm.

There are three public speaking slots for each application (objector, Parish Council and applicant/agent). Each speaker can address the committee for up to three minutes. The objector speaking slot is allocated to the first person to register their interest.

If you would like to speak about any of the applications listed below, please e-mail the Democratic Services team and provide:

  • Your name.
  • Telephone number.
  • Which application you'd like to speak about.
  • Whether you intend to pre-record your submission or attend the meeting in person. Any pre-recordings will be played at the Planning Committee.

Please register to speak by 4.30pm on the day before the Planning Committee meeting. The Planning Committee agenda is published five working days before the actual day of the committee meeting. This deadline is set out in the Council's constitution.

A public gallery is available to watch the meeting. If you would like to attend the meeting and do not want to speak, please e-mail Democratic Services with your name and the planning application you are interested in. You don't have to register for a seat in the public gallery but it is greatly appreciated if you do, as it helps us to plan and staff meetings appropriately.

All public speaking at the meeting is at the Chairman's discretion.

If more than one objector wishes to speak, a single representative will normally be asked to speak for everyone.

Professional agents may be used by any party entitled to speak, but no written submissions are allowed. Visual aids, hand-outs or other material are also not allowed.

Speakers should not introduce new information or material not previously submitted with the application. This may result in the application being deferred for further consideration or public comment.

All Tandridge District Council committee meetings are streamed live and can be viewed using our webcast service. All webcasts are recorded and available on the Council website for 6 months after the date of the meeting.

Public interest

Where there is considerable public interest in an application and a number of objectors want to speak on particular and different aspects, the Chairman may allow additional speakers. In such circumstances, the applicant would be granted more time (up to a maximum of six minutes) to respond.


Usually, the Chairman asks the Officer to introduce the application. The objector, the Parish/Village Council representative and then the applicant or agent are invited to speak before councillors discuss the proposal. Speakers are not allowed to question each other or join in the general committee debate prior to determination of the application.