Brownfield land register

Each year, the Council is required by government to produce a Brownfield Land Register (BLR). The register provides information about brownfield land we think could be suitable for housing. 

The BLR is part of the Government’s initiative to increase housebuilding and provides developers with a simple way of identifying developable brownfield sites.

Tell us about a site for development

We are keen to ensure when new development takes place, it is sustainable and makes the best use of available land. We are aiming to identify potentially suitable brownfield land within the Tandridge district for housing development.

Before you submit

Any sites submitted, regardless of its planning status, will be technically assessed for its suitability, availability and achievability (including viability) to meet the Council's development needs.

Please consider the following before submitting your Site submission form:

  • Complete a separate form for each site.
  • Only submit a form if the site can accommodate five or more new dwellings.
  • Submitted sites must meet the eligibility criteria for brownfield sites as set out below.
  • Include as much information as possible about the site, such as site ownership, any planning application or permission, previous use and site access.
  • You must submit a location map which clearly shows the site boundaries.

How to submit

Please e-mail your completed Site submission form and your location map to the Planning Policy Team at

What is Brownfield land?

Brownfield land is land that has or previously had a permanent structure built on it. It is also referred to as previously developed land (PDL). 
The following land uses are excluded from the definition: 

  • Land (formerly) occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings.
  • Land developed for minerals extraction or landfill waste disposal sites, where provision for restoration has been made.
  • Land in built up areas such as residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments.
  • PDL which has blended into the landscape. 

A full definition is on the GOV.UK website.

Eligibility criteria for Brownfield Land Register

To put a site on the register, the Council must assess the PDL against a set of eligibility criteria, regardless of their planning status. They must be:  

  • Land which has an area of at least 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least five dwellings.  
  • Suitable: Is appropriate for housing development in the Council’s opinion (regardless of the planning status).
  • Available: The landowner has expressed an intention of developing the land and the site is without legal impediment.  
  • Achievable: The site is capable of development within 15 years of being entered onto the register. 

Brownfield Land Register

The register contains all eligible brownfield sites, whether they have planning permission or not:

Sites which have either started construction or have completed building works are no longer available and their start or completion date is recorded on the BLR.

This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence which means you are free to download and reuse the data. 

You can read more about Brownfield Land Register and the Town and Country Planning Regulations 2017 on which they are based on  GOV.UK

For more information about the register, please e-mail the Planning Policy team