What goes in your food waste caddy?

  • Bread, cakes and pastries.
  • Dairy products.
  • Eggshells.
  • Fish and seafood bones and shells.
  • Food past its use-by-date, food that has gone off.
  • Fruit and vegetable peelings, pips and cores.
  • Meat and bones for example chicken carcasses.
  • Pizza and pasta.
  • Plate scrapings and left over food.
  • Rice and pulses.
  • Tea bags, tea leaves, coffee grounds.

What can't go in your food waste caddy

  • Garden waste including cut flowers.
  • Food packaging.
  • Liquids, including tea and coffee.
  • Mice and birds killed by cats/other animals.
  • Oil or liquid fat.
  • Packaging such as egg boxes.