Experiencing domestic abuse

  • Call Surrey Police on 101. In an emergency always dial 999. Visit www.surrey.police.uk to report online.
  • Report it anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
  • Call your local Domestic Abuses Outreach Service on 01737 771350 or visit www.esdas.org.uk.

Domestic abuse can affect anyone, regardless of age, lifestyle, race or ethnic origin, ability or disability, religion or belief. It is rarely a one-off event and often gets worse over time.

Domestic abuse doesn’t always involve physical violence. Sustained controlling behaviour and emotional pressure are also forms of abuse. Regularly intimidating, bullying, criticising or threatening a partner are all forms of what is called ‘coercive control’.

Types of abuse can include:

  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Verbal
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Threats
  • Coercive control

In most cases, the relationship will be between partners or ex-partners (married, living together or otherwise), but it can also be with a family member or anyone who would reasonably be expected to live with the person experiencing the violence.

Children's health and wellbeing can be seriously affected by living in households where there is any form of domestic abuse.

We work with the police, East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services and other agencies to give support and practical help to people experiencing, or threatened with, violence.

More information

Surrey Against Domestic Abuse website offers help and support for anyone in the county affected by domestic abuse. Visit Surrey against Domestic Abuse for more information.