Council structure, management and pay

Below are details of our senior officers and their payscales. Unless otherwise specified all the staff in the table below hold permanent positions.



Salary Range

Chief Executive - David Ford


 £116,102 - £131,086

Deputy Chief Executive - Taryn Pearson-Rose


£98,121 - £113,105

Chief Planning Officer - Vacant


£73,538 - £82,753

Head of Legal Services & Monitoring Officer - Lidia Harrison


£85,210 - £97,497

Director of Resources (Section 151 Officer) - Mark Hak-Sanders


£98,121 - £113,105

Structure charts

Pay and staffing policies

By law we must have a Pay Policy Statement, but we also publish our:

Trade Union Facility Time

We do not recognise any Trade Union for the purposes of consultation and negotiation.

Staff can join a Trade Union if they want to and the majority of staff who decide to become a member join UNISON. We do not have a Facility Agreement with UNISON which means activities are undertaken in staffs' own time.