
Use our payment system to pay for:

  • Council tax (please use your billing number as a reference).
  • Business rates (please use your account number as a reference).
  • Housing or garage rent (please use your rent account number as a reference).

as well as many other invoices we send you including:

  • Annual licences.
  • Building regulations inspection fees.
  • Leasehold management expenses.
  • Leasehold insurance.

Direct debit is the cheapest and easiest way to pay council tax, business rates, housing rent, leases or garage rent.

Council Tax

Business rates

Housing rent

AR Sundry Invoices

To make a payment to Tandridge District Council using telephone, or online banking you will need the following details:

  • Bank: HSBC Oxted Branch.
  • Sort code: 40 35 40.
  • Account number: 91098098.

Please use your billing, rent account or invoice number only as your payment reference.

Call our automated telephone payment line on 03300 88 46 84 to make a payment. Don't forget your reference number.

The options are as follows:

  • Press 1 for Council tax.
  • Press 2 for Business rates.
  • Press 3 for Council invoices.
  • Press 4 for Rent payments.
  • Press 5 for Business Improvement District (BID) payments.

Council tenants are given a rent payment card to pay their rent. The electronic swipe card can be used at any Post Office to make a payment.

To request a new rent payment card, please quote the full rent account number, property address, along with the tenant's name(s).

Please keep receipts for the rent payments you make so if there are any issues you will have a record of your payments.

All planning payments can be made using the planning portal.

Some residents are given a Giro Payment Card to pay their council tax bill. This electronic payment card can be used at any Post Office to make a payment.

To request a new payment card, please complete the Payment card request form. Please keep receipts for the council tax payments you make so if there are any issues you will have a record of your payments.

When requesting a payment card, always make sure you include your name, council tax account number and property address.