Claiming housing benefit

You can claim Housing Benefit if you:

  • Are Pension Credit age. For couples where one partner is under the  Pension Credit qualifying age you will have to claim Universal Credit.
  • Live in supported exempt accommodation.
  • Live in temporary accommodation.
  • Live in Tandridge Sheltered Scheme Accommodation.

If the above does not apply, you will need to apply for Universal Credit for help with your Housing costs.

If you claim Universal Credit, you can still claim help with your Council Tax.

If you meet the above criteria, you could receive Housing Benefit to help you with your rent payments. How much you would be entitled to will depend on you and your household's income and circumstances. You can apply for Housing benefit whether you are unemployed or working.

To find out what benefits you could claim, and how much you might get, visit

If you have more than £16,000 in capital you will not qualify for benefit unless you are over 60 and you receive Guarantee Pension Credit. The property you live in does not count as capital.

Housing Benefit is usually calculated from the Monday following the date we receive your application so it is important that you make your claim as soon as possible and provide us with all the supporting information. We cannot pay your claim until we have all the evidence.

Any supporting documents can be uploaded and sent to us online.