Street collection returns 2023

People or organisations collecting money or goods for charitable purposes in Tandridge District Council's area are legally bound to supply accounts showing the amount of money raised and the amount of money being passed to the charity concerned.

Residents donating money or goods have a reasonable expectation that all or most of the money raised will be forwarded to the charity, but in some cases, only a small percentage of the money raised actually reaches it.

Below we publish a summary of the accounts so local residents can see how much of the money raised was actually forwarded to the charity concerned. Charities issued with a permit should make a return to the Council within one month of the collection.

Date Collecting Organisation Total Sum Raised Monies deducted from proceeds Net to Charity
23-29 January 2023 UK Clothing Caravan on behalf of Children with cancer UK Charity £63.24 £9.49  
20-26 March 2023 UK Clothing Caravan on behalf of Children with cancer UK Charity £60.45 £9.07  
20 May 2023 Sight for Surrey £106.78 £0  
10 June 2023 Caterham & District Carnival Committee £32.17  £0  
25 June 2023 Oxted Rotary Pram Race Charitable Trust £2174.4 £0  
4 November 2023 Marie Curie £0 £0  
17 November 2023 BBC On behalf of Children In Need £195.91 £0  
18 November 2023 Warlingham Christmas Light Committee £864.51 £0  
2-3 December 2023 Rotary Club Caterham £612.00 £0 £612.00
7-8 December 2023 Rotary Club of Caterham £438.80 £0 £438.80
9-10 December 2023 Rotary Club Caterham £796.10 £0 £796.10
16-17 December 2023 Rotary Club Caterham £689.04 £0 £689.04
16 December 2023 Rotary Club of Oxted and Limpsfield £140.13 £0 £140.13
18-22 December 2023 Titsey and District Rotary Club £3390.00 £692.27 £2697.73