Statement about unauthorised caravan site at Tanhouse Road, Oxted

In December 2022, several caravans moved onto the site and work began to lay hard surfacing and install drainage to connect to utility supplies.  
In September 2023, the landowner pleaded guilty at Staines Magistrate’s Court and was fined for failing to comply with the terms of a Temporary Stop Notice and a Stop Notice served on him and other occupiers of the site. A Stop Notice requires all occupants to leave the site.  
Following the successful prosecution, Officers have asked the occupants to provide a date by when they would leave the site. The landowner put forward a proposal to the Council that they intend to remain on the site until the public inquiry into their appeal has been heard. If the Council did not agree to this, they stated they would apply to the High Court for an injunction which if successful, would prevent the Council from taking any further action to remove the landowner and other occupants from the site. 
The Council has rejected any “stay” on further prosecution of the landowner and has again asked the landowner for a date when everyone will leave the site. Also, a date for his (and the other site occupants) compliance with the requirement to vacate the land has been requested. As no response has been received, the Council will now pursue a further prosecution requesting the occupants to leave the site.  
Public inquiry 
The landowner has appealed against three of the planning enforcement notices served on him and other occupants of the site and that were served by the Council in December 2022. To consider the appeal, a public inquiry will be held by the Planning Inspectorate from 18-21 June 2024 at the Council Offices in Oxted.  
The landowner and the Council will present evidence and the inspector will decide whether the enforcement notices should be upheld or whether planning permission should be granted for the occupants to remain on the site, either permanently or temporarily. 
Residents can give their views about the appeals by: 

  • Attending the public inquiry and expressing their views to the inspector. This happens at the beginning of the inquiry. 
  • Submitting their views online using the appeals casework portal. 

More details about the appeal will be provided. Residents in neighbouring properties will also be contacted directly regarding the appeal.  
If residents want to give evidence and participate in the inquiry process, they can request a Rule 6(6) status to the Planning Inspectorate. More details can be found on the government’s website