Public Inquiry for 381 Croydon Road, Caterham CR3 6PN

The Planning Inspectorate received an appeal against the refusal of planning permission relating to the site 381 Croydon Road, Caterham.

The appeal is for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a Class E retail unit, including refurbishment of existing office unit to provide a commercial unit at ground floor with residential dwelling above; alongside access, car parking and associated works.

The Secretary of State appointed Planning Inspector T Hatfield BA(Hons), MPLAN, MRTPI to deal with the Inquiry. The event is an in-person event with the facility to participate virtually.

About the Inquiry

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/M3645/W/21/3272384
Planning Application Reference: 2021/1800
Date and time of event: 20 June 2023 at 10:00
Duration: 4 days
Venue of event: Tandridge District Council, 8 Station Road East, Oxted, RH8 0BT

The Inquiry is live streamed on our webcast service which can be accessed via Tandridge District Council Webcasting

For more information see the notification letter.

The decision will be published on

Planning Inspectorate Case Officer contact details

  • Name: Kerr Brown
  • Address: 3rd Floor, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 0303 444 5243

Planning Inquiry timetable

Core documents list. The corresponding documents can be found below. Please note the Core Document List contains a list of documents which the Council and appellant intend to refer to during the Inquiry. Anyone who wishes to see any other documents relating to the appeal should contact the Council and they will make them available to the individual(s) upon request.

1.1 Planning, Retail and Economic Statement (‘PRES’) prepared by Planning Potential ref 5602
1.2 Design and Access Statement (‘DAS’) prepared by The Harris Partnership ref DA501
1.3 Site Location Plan (Ref: 17035-099)
1.4 Existing Site Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-100
1.5 Existing G.A. Plans - Drawing Reference 17035-101
1.6 Existing Elevations - Drawing Reference 17035-102
1.7 Existing Roof Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-103
1.8 Proposed Site Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-110 Rev B (Superseded)
1.9 Proposed Ground Floor G.A. Plan – Drawing Reference 17035-111 (Superseded)
1.10 Proposed First Floor G.A. Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-112 Rev A (Superseded)
1.11 Proposed Roof Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-113 (Superseded)
1.12 Proposed Elevations - Drawing Reference 17035-114 (Superseded)
1.13 Proposed Elevations - Drawing Reference 17035-115 (Superseded)
1.14 Proposed Coloured Site Plan – Drawing Reference 17035-V110
1.15 Proposed Coloured GA Plan – Drawing Reference 17035-V112
1.17 Proposed Coloured Elevations – Drawing Reference 17035-V114
1.18 Proposed Coloured Elevations – Drawing Reference 17035-V115
1.19 Proposed CGIs - Drawing Reference 17035 SHP CGI 02A
1.20 Lighting Assessment (drawing reference P186-728-A-R1) prepared by BMT
1.21 Landscaping Details (drawing reference 17035-VL-L01) prepared by Vector Design Concepts (Superseded)
1.22 Geo-Environmental Assessment Report prepared by Brownfield Solutions ref LG/M4771/10290
1.23 Flood Risk & Sustainable Drainage Strategy prepared by Stirling Maynard ref 3727 362 Version PO2 September 2021 (Superseded)
1.24A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal prepared by Ecology Solutions ref 9894.PEA.vf
1.24B Tandridge Council Biodiversity Checklist
1.25 Environmental Noise Report prepared by Sharps Redmore ref 2120420
1.26 Arboricultural Assessment and Method Statement prepared by Barrell Tree Consultants ref 21155-AA-PB
1.27 Statement of Community Involvement prepared by BECG September 2021
1.28 Confirmation of results from Surrey Historic Environment Record (HER) search
1.29 Transport Assessment prepared by Connect Consultants 
1.30 Travel Plan prepared by Connect Consultants (Superseded)
1.31 Energy Statement prepared by Sol Environment ref SOL2105AL_01_CAT_Energy Statement
1.32 BREEAM Pre-assessment prepared by Sol Environment ref SOL2105AL_01_CAT_BREEAM Pre-Assessment
1.33 Transport Assessment Scoping Note dated 22 March 2021

2.1 Flood Risk & Sustainable Drainage Strategy prepared by Stirling Maynard ref 3727 362 Version PO3 November 2021
2.2 Stirling Maynard2.06 Response to LLFA dated 18 November 2021
2.3 Connect Consultants TN05 – response to LHA comments 6 January 2022
2.4 Connect Consultants TN04 – Car Parking Assessment 7 January 2022 (2020)
2.5 Proposed Site Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-110 Rev C (Superseded)
2.6 Proposed Ground Floor G.A. Plan – Drawing Reference 17035-111B (Superseded)
2.7 Proposed Elevations - Drawing Reference 17035-114A (Superseded)
2.8 Connect Consultants Updated Travel Plan March 2022 (Submitted May 2022)
2.9 Connect Consultants TN06 Response to Highways Comments (Parking and Layout)
2.10 Connect Consultants TN07 Car Park Layout Analysis
2.11 Connect Consultants Delivery and Service Management Plan 9 May 2022
2.12 Proposed Site Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-110 Rev F 
2.13 Proposed Ground Floor G.A. Plan – Drawing Reference 17035-111C
2.14 Proposed First Floor G.A. Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-112C
2.15 Proposed Roof Plan - Drawing Reference 17035-113B
2.16 Proposed Elevations - Drawing Reference 17035-114B
2.17 Proposed Elevations - Drawing Reference 17035-115A
2.18 Landscaping Details (drawing reference 17035-VL-L01B) prepared by Vector Design Concept22
2.19 Planning Potential Response to TDC with annex 5602N 13 May 2022
2.20 Planning Potential letter to case officer following publication of committee report 7 June 2022
2.21 Connect Consultants TN08 Response to Committee Report 7 June 2022
2.22 Connect Consultants TN09 Response to DHA comments (Revised Parking Assessment) 18 July 2022
2.23 Entran Technical Note - Highways
2.24 J Bartlett Consulting Limited Road Safety Audit 10 April 2022
2.25 DHA Response July 2022
2.26 Connect Consultants TN10