Public Inquiry for The Old Cottage, Station Road, Lingfield RH7 6PG

About the Inquiry

The Planning Inspectorate received an appeal against the non-determination of planning permission relating to the site Land at The Old Cottage, Station Road, Lingfield.

The appeal is for an outline application with all matters reserved except for access and layout for a residential development of 99 dwellings (40% affordable) with associated access, formal open space, landscaping, car & cycle parking and refuse. (The application site is located within Lingfield Conservation Area and affects the setting of Listed Buildings and Structures).

The Secretary of State appointed Planning Inspector David Spencer BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI to deal with the Inquiry. The event is an in-person event with the facility to participate virtually.

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/M3645/W/23/3319149
Planning Application Reference: 2022/685
Date and time of event: 8 August 2023 at 10:00
Duration: 10 days. The appeal hearing was adjourned on 11 August. It starts again on Wednesday 30 August-Friday 1 September, starting every day at 9.30am. On 31 August, the Inspector will close the day's hearing at 3pm to carry out an accompanied site visit.

Wednesday 13 September has also been added if an additional hearing date is needed.

Venue of event: Tandridge District Council, 8 Station Road East, Oxted, RH8 0BT

The Inquiry is live streamed on our webcast service which can be accessed via Tandridge District Council Webcasting

For more information see the notification letter which will be available here from 25 July 2023.

The decision will be published on

Planning Inspectorate Case Officer contact details

Planning Inquiry timetable

Core documents list. The corresponding documents can be found below. Please note the Core Document List contains a list of documents which the Council and appellant intend to refer to during the Inquiry. Anyone who wishes to see any other documents relating to the appeal should contact the Council and they will make them available to the individual(s) upon request.

Consultee Responses
CD1.1 Flood and Climate Resilience Officer (27.04.2023)
CD1.2 Historic England (07.05.2023)
CD1.3 Parish Council – Lingfield and Dormansland (29.09.2022)
CD1.4 SCC Countryside Access Officer (17.04.2023)
CD1.5 SCC Historic Building Officer (15.02.2023)
CD1.6 SCC Heritage (10.08.2022)
CD1.7 SCC Highways (02.08.2022)
CD1.8 SCC Transport Planning (01.12.2022)
CD1.9 Surrey Wildlife Trust (26.01.2022)
CD1.10 Surrey Wildlife Trust (26.08.2022)

Documents and Plans
CD1.11 Outline Reptile Mitigation Strategy
CD1.12 1912026-01B – Visibility Splay
CD1.13 1912026-07- Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Arrangement
CD1.14 1912026-TK01 – Swept Path Analysis Site Access 
CD1.15 1912026-06- Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Arrangement
CD1.16 220311- Lingfield – Cover Letter
CD1.17 221108 – Station Road Lingfield - CL
CD1.18 230323 – Appeal Statement of Case 
CD1.20 2661-A-1010-PR-B Site Sections
CD1.21 2661-A-1053-SK-B Sketch Vignette – Street View 2
CD1.22 2661-C-1005-PL-B Illustrative Site Layout
CD1.23 2661-C-1005-SK-C Aerial Sketch
CD1.24 2661-C-1054-SK-D Sketch Streetscene
CD1.25 Appeal decision 3280443
CD1.26 Appendix 1 - ID16
CD1.27 Appendix 2- TED51 Appendices
CD1.28 Appendix 2 - TED51
CD1.29 Appendix 3- ID20
CD1.30 Appendix 4 - TED53
CD1.31 Appendix 5 – Lingfield PC
CD1.32 Appendix 6 – appeal decision 3151097
CD1.33 Appendix 7 – House of Lords Report
CD1.34 Arboricultural Impacts Report
CD1.35 Archaeological Impacts Report
CD1.36 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
CD1.37 Biodiversity Metrics
CD1.38 BNG Feasibility Assessment
CD1.39 Design and Access Statement
CD1.40 Ecological Appraisal
CD1.41 Flood Risk Assessment
CD1.42 Green Belt Assessment
CD1.43 Heritage Impact Assessment
CD1.44 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
CD1.45 Lingfield CIL Form 1
CD1.46 Lingfield Planning Statement
CD1.47 Noise Impact Assessment
CD1.48 Renewable Energy Assessment (Sustainability)
CD1.49 Schedule of Accommodation
CD1.50 Site Location Plan
CD1.51 Sketch Scheme
CD1.52 Statement of Community Involvement
CD1.53 Transport Assessment
CD1.54 Travel Plan
CD1.55 Landscape Survey
CD1.56 Application Form
CD1.57 Proposed Drainage Elements
CD1.58 Flood and Climate Resilience Officer (02.08.2023)