Spending the Community Infrastructure Levy and reports

We use the money collected through the CIL to help fund infrastructure that’s needed across the district. National guidelines define how the levy can be spent and on what.

Strategic spending process

We are allowed to keep an initial 5% of the total CIL to cover day-to-day administration costs. We also pass 15% of CIL receipts from developments in parishes to the relevant parish councils. This rises to 25% in areas with an adopted Neighbourhood Plan. Our Guidance for Parish and Village Councils explains how the funds must be spent. The remaining CIL is allocated towards strategic infrastructure work across the district.

The CIL bidding process was updated in 2021, please see our webpage on ‘Bidding for CIL’ for further details.

Details of the funding rounds and bids awarded CIL funding:

Local spending process for parish and village councils

The Guidance for Parish and Village Councils sets out how their allocation of CIL must be spent and reported on. Reports should be made by no later than the end of May each year using the Parish Council Spending Form. An example of a completed Spending Form is provided.

Parish summary chart

The Parish Summary Chart provides an historical record since 2014, illustrating the CIL receipts and expenditure for each Parish, plus any monies retained and not yet spent.

Parish Council annual reports

The following reports have been received from Parish Councils receiving CIL Neighbourhood Funds:

CIL Strategic Financial Reports

The end of year financial report will be published at the end of May 2018 to reflect the annual Parish Council reports.