Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) covers day to day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder which can make people’s lives a misery.

It can range from litter and vandalism, to graffiti or drunken and rowdy behaviour, to noisy and abusive neighbours and inconsiderate use of vehicles.

It does not include reasonable behaviour such as children playing, everyday noise from lawn mowers and noise from DIY projects (unless carried out at unreasonable times), nor does it include groups of youngsters in the streets or parks, unless they are being rowdy, abusive or causing damage or other crime.

What is an ASB Case Review (Formerly known as a Community Trigger)?

ASB victims or someone acting on their behalf can request a review of their anti-social complaints if they are unhappy with the response to reported ASB issues.

You can submit a ASB Case Review if:

  • You have reported three times in the last six months, separate but related ASB incidents to an agency/agencies and the problem persists.

A complaint of ASB needs to be made within one month from the date when the behaviour is alleged to have occurred.

Requesting a review

You can submit a ASB Case Review request using one of these forms, if you have reported three times in the last six months separate, but related, anti-social incidents to agencies and the problem persists.

Please include information about the three complaints you have made, including date, reference numbers, action promised and the outcome.

There is also a group form which can be used if you are aware other people in the local community have reported separate, but related, anti-social incidents to agencies in the last six months and the problem persists. You will need five signatures to confirm consent has been given from the named individuals.

We will acknowledge your ASB Case Review submission within three working days. If it meets the criteria, a multi-agency group will review your complaints and identify any additional actions which should be taken to help resolve the problem and share this action plan with you within 25 working days.


If you can't sort an issue out, using mediation might help you understand each other’s point of view and find an answer. Mediators do not take sides, but try to find something you can both agree on. Using mediation early on can often stop problems getting worse. But even when a problem has been going on for a while, mediation can still help someone see they are causing a problem and stop it. Visit Mediation Surrey for more information.