Report hate crime

Hate crime in any form is unacceptable. If you or someone you know experiences hate crime, then you should report it.

Report hate crime to Surrey Police.

Hate crime is generally regarded as any incident where the individual has been targeted due to their:

  • Age.
  • Race.
  • Gender or gender identity.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Disability.
  • Faith or religion.

Incidents of hate crime can take place anywhere, at home, in the streets, in the workplace or in schools and colleges. Incidents can include:

  • Threats/verbal abuse.
  • Offensive letters.
  • Harassment/bullying including cyber bullying.
  • Robbery.
  • Violence/physical assault.
  • Damage to property/arson.

These incidents can be committed randomly, or can be part of a campaign of continued harassment or victimisation by a stranger, customers, neighbours, extremists groups or even a family member.

There is a website for victims of hate crime which includes an online reporting form. The website is called True Vision and is supported by all police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.