Redevelopment of Warren Lane depot and 122 Mill Lane (closed 27 December 2023

We want to hear from residents and businesses about our plans to demolish 122 Mill Lane and some buildings at the Council's Warren Lane depot so we can build 22 new affordable rented homes for people on our housing register.

What are the plans?

We plan to build 22 new affordable rented homes, compromising of:

  • 14 three bedroom houses, including a fully accessible wheelchair home.
  • 4 two bedroom houses.
  • 4 two bedroom flats.
  • 49 car parking spaces.
  • An environmentally diverse open space.

You can view the:

Architect boards

Paper copies of these plans are also available in Reception at the Council Offices in Oxted.

Public consultation event

For more information, to see our plans and to ask any questions, please come to our event on Tuesday 19 December from 3.30pm-6.30pm at the Hurst Green Community Centre, 4 Oak Close, Hurst Green RH8 0BA.

Have your say

You can comment on the proposed plans by:

Please include your name and address in your response. We must receive your response by 5pm on Wednesday 27 December 2023.

Next steps

Once the public consultation closes, we will review the comments and may propose modifications to the plan, before submitting it as a planning application.

Residents will have the opportunity to comment about the application which will be considered at a future Planning Committee. We will post details about this on the website.

If you believe there are any third-party rights on the land, or object to us carrying out the development, re-development or improvement of the land and to appropriate land for planning purposes, we’d like to hear from you.