Budget information

The Council set a General Fund Budget of £12,798,948 for the financial year 2024-2025.

For a detailed look at the Council's budget please see the agenda papers taken to Full Council on 8 February 2024.

This budget is distributed over committees as follows:

Committee £
Community Services 4,574,195
Planning Policy 1,817,430
Strategy & Resources 5,729,521
Housing General Fund 677,802
Total Budget 12,798,948

The budget has been financed as follows:

Council Tax 9,585,969
Business Rates 2,883,210
Central Government Grants 329,769
Total Financing 12,798,948


For the financial year 2024-2025, the Council set a Housing Revenue.

Account budget as follows:

Committee £
Providing people with homes 310,600
Improving the quality of housing 5,195,200
Managing the services effectively 8,404,200
Community services 434,400
Capital charges & interest costs 3,729,400
Total Budget 18,073,800

This budget has been financed as follows:

Committee £
Housing tenants rent 17,279,900
Garage rent 578,300
Service charges 775,500
Voids & bad debts -559,900
Total financing 18,073,800

The Authority's total Capital Programme for 2024-2025 is £25,466,190.

This will be invested in services as follows:

Committee £
Housing General Fund 420,000
Community Services 1,399,700
Planning Policy 1,619,300
Strategy & Resources 2,892,090
Total General Fund 6,331,090
Housing Revenue Account 19,135,100
Total Capital Programme 25,466,190