Premises licences applications

Application for premises licence

Application to vary a premises licence

Any representation received after the dates specified above will not be considered.

Representations may be positive or negative, but will only be considered relevant by the council if they relate clearly to at least one of the Licensing Act 2003 objectives:

•    Prevention of Crime and Disorder
•    Safety
•    Public Nuisance
•    Protection of Children From Harm

Representations must not be frivolous or vexatious.

Where relevant representations are received a hearing will be held with our Licensing Sub-Committee to decide on the application, unless all parties agree that a hearing is not necessary by amendments to the application.

For this reason, representations are forwarded to the applicant or their agent to communicate with individuals to see if an amicable agreement can be made. Your name and contact details will be disclosed to them. All representations will be publicly available. We will inform you about the arrangements for the hearing if necessary.

Representations must be in writing and can be made by e-mail to the licensing team, or by post to Licensing Department, Tandridge District Council, The Council Offices, 8 Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0BT.