Alcohol licensing contacts

If you apply online via for a new Premises Licence or to vary an existing one, we will share your application with relevant responsible authorities. If you submit a postal application instead, you need to send a copy to each of the responsible authorities below.

Local press adverts

You will need to place adverts for the following applications that are submitted online or by post:

  • New premises licence
  • New club premises certificate applications
  • Applications to vary existing premises licence
  • Applications to vary existing club premises certificate

The advert will need to appear in a newspaper circulating in the area of the premises involved:

Contact our Licensing team if you aren’t sure which newspaper would cover your premises.

Surrey Police

Licensing Officer (Tandridge)
Surrey Police
PO Box 101
Guildford GU1 9PE

Tel: 01483 631 465

Environmental Protection (Noise), Environmental Health (H&S) and Planning

Tandridge District Council
Council Offices
8 Station Road East
Oxted RH8 0BT

Contact us

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service

Surrey Fire & Rescue Service
Surrey County Council
Woodhatch Place
11 Cockshot Hill

Tel: 01737 224444

Health and Safety Executive

The Council Offices
8 Station Road East
Oxted RH8 0BT

Tel: 01883 732400

Child Protection Authority

County Child Employment & Strategy Manager
Quadrant Court
35, Guildford Road
Woking GU22 7QQ

Tel: 01483 517838

Surrey Trading Standards

Woodhatch Place
11 Cockshot Hill
Reigate RH2 7EF

Tel: 0300 123 2329

Health Authority

Public Health Business Manager
Public Health
Woodhatch Place
11 Cockshot Hill
Reigate, Surrey  RH2 8EF 

Tel: 0208 541 7976

Home Office

Alcohol Licensing Team
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
Croydon CR9 2BY
