Apply for a personal licence

A personal licence allows an individual to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol. All premises with a premises licence need at least one personal licence holder where one of their activities is the sale or supply of alcohol and they will need to be assigned as the designated premises supervisor (DPS).

You do not necessarily need a personal licence to sell alcohol under a temporary events notice.

The application for your personal licence must be made to the licensing authority that covers the area where you normally live, even if you work in another Council’s area. You are only allowed to hold one personal licence. You do not need a separate licence if you work in different premises or areas.

You must be 18 years or older to hold a personal licence.

How to apply

You will need to return the application by post with the additional documents listed below to our offices. You cannot apply online for a personal licence.

You will need to submit:

Incomplete application forms or those without the appropriate enclosures will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender.

List of relevant offences under Licensing Act 2013.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent does not apply for this licence. If you have not heard from us after 28 days, please contact customer services.

Once your licence is granted

You have an obligation as a personal licence holder to tell us if you are convicted of any relevant offence during the term of your licence. You must do this in writing by email or letter.

If you are being prosecuted for a relevant offence, you have an obligation to tell the court you are a personal licence holder.

Replacement licence

If you need a replacement licence you should contact our Licensing team by e-mail or letter giving the reason - for example, if your circumstances change or your original licence is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.

The request should be made with a fee of £10.50. Cheques should be made payable to Tandridge District Council.

The requirement to renew a Personal Licence has been abolished and licences once granted last indefinitely unless surrendered, suspended or revoked.

For further information or advice please contact the licensing team.