Environmental permit

Some industries use processes that have the potential to cause significant harm to the environment, either land air and/or water. Since the introduction of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and later the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 or by regulations made under them, businesses which use these processes have to apply for a permit to operate.

Sites with the potential to have a greater impact on the environment are known as Part A1 processes and these are regulated by the Environment Agency which controls emissions to land air and water, as well as noise and energy.

The other installations are regulated by the Local Authority and these are either A2 processes, where the permit covers emissions to land air water energy and noise, or Part B processes where the permit covers emissions to air only. Part B processes include timber treatment, dry cleaning, waste oil burners, mobile concrete crushing units and the unloading of petrol at petrol stations. There are over 40 Part B processes within Tandridge, but currently no A2.

Any person who wishes to operate a process that requires a permit must submit an environmental permit application form, a petrol service station permit application form or a dry cleaner permit application form with a fee to the local authority. The authority must then issue an authorisation in accordance with government guidance. The permit will include conditions that the operator of the process will need to comply with and they will all be subject to regular inspections to ensure that this is the case.

Local Authorities are also required to maintain a public register containing information on the prescribed processes within the district.

Electronic applications

Electronic applications can be made via www.gov.uk.

Will tacit consent apply?

No. It is illegal to operate a permitted process without a permit being issued.

No new installation or substantial change to an existing installation may be operated without a permit or variation. It is an offence under EP regulation 38(1)(a) to operate a regulated facility without a permit and to the extent authorised by that permit.