Scrap metal dealers licences

Under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013, any person collecting, buying or selling scrap metal requires a Scrap Metal Dealers licence issued by the local authority. This includes motor salvage operators. There are two types of licences, site and collectors. Both licences last for three years once issued. Any persons who carry out business as a scrap metal dealer without a licence may be liable upon conviction to an unlimited fine.

Allows a scrap metal dealer to carry on business from a site in a local authority area. A site licence allows the dealer to collect and bring metal back to site (from any location within or outside the home district or borough). There is a requirement that a site manager be named for each site licensed. A site can be a home office from which arrangements are made to collect scrap before depositing them at another licensed site. You cannot collect unannounced door to door, but you can collect scrap by pre arranged appointment.

Allows a scrap metal dealer to carry on business in a local authority area as a mobile collector. This licence covers dealers who do not have a site and regularly collect through door-to-door collections. The dealer requires a separate licence for each local authority area they operate in. This includes commercial as well as domestic scrap metal. There is no restriction as to the location where the collector can transport and sell their metal.

If you or your business deals in the buying or selling of scrap metal whether the metal is sold in the form in which it is bought or not, then yes. Scrap metal is defined as any old, waste or discarded metal or metallic material and any product, article or assembly which is made from or contains metal and is broken, worn out or regarded by its last holder as having reached the end of its useful life.

If scrap metal is a by-product of your business you may be exempt from the need to be licensed, it will be necessary for you to prove the proportion of your business that consists of dealing in scrap metal. Examples of businesses that may be able to claim exemption are:

  • Builders, plumbers, electricians, motor vehicle repair garages, and engineering workshops or any other business where scrap metal is recovered or produced as the result of the main purpose of the business.

We must be satisfied the applicant is a suitable person to carry out business as a scrap metal dealer. This includes; in the case of a partnership, each of the partners, and in the case of a company, each director, company secretary and shadow director.

As part of the application process each applicant must provide a Basic Disclosure certificate with the application form. You can apply online for the Basic Disclosure certificate and paying a fee. A certificate with the results of the disclosure application will usually be issued within 14 days.

We also carry out checks with the Environment Agency and other local authorities if an applicant holds a registration with another Council. 

A licence under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 does not replace the Waste Carrier's Licence. To collect scrap metal you will be required to hold a licence issued by us and a Waste Carriers Licence issued by the Environment Agency.

You will be under a legal duty to check and keep copies of official identification verifying the identity of persons who wish to supply scrap metal to you, prior to receiving scrap from those person. You must maintain full records of every receipt and disposal of scrap metal. Records must be kept for at least 3 years and must be made available for inspection on the request of police or council officers. Before making an application, you should ensure that you will be able to comply with these requirements. Further information can be found here:

  • All applicants must complete an online application form.
  • The application form must be accompanied by the relevant fee.
  • All applicants must supply a Disclosure and Barring certificate (DBS). This certificate must be dated within one month of the application date.
  • Company directors, partners or secretaries must also supply DBS Certificates.
  • Applicants for site licences must provide a site plan.
  • Applicants for collector’s licences must provide a passport style photograph that is endorsed.

Site licence new and renewal


Site licence variation to collector licence


Collector licence new and renewal


Collector licence variation to site licence


Change of name of licensee of site licence


Change of identity of sites in the authority's area contained in the licence


Change of site manager at each site


Change of collector's name


Copy of licence


From April 2022, you will need to complete a tax check when you renew your licence as a:

  • Scrap metal dealer mobile collector.
  • Scrap metal dealer site.

The check only takes a few minutes and is to confirm that someone is appropriately registered for tax.
Find out more on the tax check factsheet and complete a tax check on the webpage.

Once we receive your application and accompanying documents, there is a consultation period of 28 days in which we pass your application to the Council's planning department, the Police, the Environment Agency and other partner bodies. These bodies have the opportunity to raise concerns with or object to your application.

If you have a concern or complaint about a scrap metal dealer or you believe that an unlicensed dealer has removed your waste, please submit an online complaints form.