Council tax discounts

You will pay full council tax on an occupied property if there are two or more adults (aged 18 and over) counted as living there as their main home. If there are fewer than two adults counted, a discount will apply. To claim a discount read the information below and apply online. If you are on a low income you may also qualify to claim housing benefit and council tax support.

Discounts may be given in the following situations:

We do not count (disregard) the following people for council tax purposes:

1. People in prison, on remand or detained under the Mental Health Act.

2. People who are severely mentally impaired, including those with Alzheimer’s disease.

3. 18 and 19 year olds still at school in full time education up to and including A level standard.

3.  Children whose families get Child Benefit.

4. School leavers aged 18 or 19 who left school/college after 30 April. They will not be counted until 1 November the same year.

5. Members of religious communities, for example monks and nuns.

6. Students, student nurses and youth training trainees in certain circumstances only.

7. Carers who live with and care for a person with severe disability and who qualify as carers according to certain rules.

8. Non-British relatives of students who are spouses and dependents of students, unable to work or claim benefits because of immigration rules.

9. Apprentices working for a qualification and who earn less than £195 a week before tax.

10. Members of designated international headquarters, visiting forces and defence organisations and diplomats.

  • Diplomats.
  • People in government youth training schemes.
  • People living as patients in a home to receive care or is in hospital long term.

If, after not including (disregarding) any of these people there is only one person left for us to count, we will apply a 25% discount to your council tax. If after disregarding anyone there is no one left for us to count we will give you 50% off your bill.

If you are the only adult, or the only counted adult, living in the property you will receive a 25% discount off your council tax bill.

Since April 2020, when a property becomes empty and unfurnished, 100% council tax will become due and payable. 

If it remains empty for more than two years, an additional premium of 100% of the standard tax council tax is due. This will continue until the property is no longer unoccupied and substantially unfurnished. 

There are also additional changes to long term empty homes:

  • From April 2020 onwards, we charge a 100% premium on an empty and unfurnished property over two years.
  • From April 2020 onwards, we have increased the premium to 200% for properties which have been empty for more than five years.
  • From April 2022 onwards, we have increased the premium to 300% for properties which have been empty for more than 10 years.

Usually you will have to pay full council tax on your second home unless you have to live in it as a condition of your employment. In this situation you may receive a 50% council tax reduction – we will ask you for information to help us decide whether you qualify.

Second adult rebate is worked out on the income of a second adult. This does not apply to your spouse or partner, but to someone who lives with you such as a grown up son or daughter or elderly relative. You can get up to 25% of the council tax paid, because if they were not living there you would qualify for a single person discount.

Annexes, garage flats and other similar accommodation being used as part of the main family home may qualify for a 50% discount. Annexes occupied by elderly or disabled relatives and unoccupied annexes subject to certain planning restrictions may be exempt. Please apply for a council tax discount online, so we can consider if you’re entitled to a discount.

If your property has been adapted to meet special needs relating to a disability, you may qualify for a reduced council tax bill. Your bill may be reduced by one council tax band. Even if the property is in band A, a reduction can still be made. Please read the:

If you think you qualify and the reduction is not shown on your bill, please let us know online.

Some properties are exempt from council tax charges.

You are deemed to be a Care Leaver if:

  • You are aged under 25.
  • You were previously in local authority care.
  • You are supported by a personal adviser or someone from the Leaving Care Team within any local authority Social Services department.

What will I pay?

  • If you live alone in the property you will have nothing to pay.
  • If you live with other people, all of whom are Care Leavers, you will have nothing to pay.
  • If you live with someone else who is not a Care Leaver the Council Tax bill will be reduced by 25%.
  • If you live with two or more people who are not Care Leavers, no discount is available.

The reduction can only be paid up to your 25th birthday.

Please complete our application form.

Other Council Tax is available on the council tax pages of our website.