Homeless or need housing advice?

If you are worried about your housing situation, please complete our self-help assessment or phone 01883 722000.

If you approach us and are threatened with homelessness within the next 56 days, we will investigate your circumstances to decide whether we have a duty to provide you with accommodation in accordance to homelessness legislation. For information on the types of help available and eligibility, please read Homeless: what help can I get from the Council? 

Please also tell us about a rough sleeper.

Other information 

For further advice please see the documents below:

Any young person aged 16 or 17 who requires advice and support about homelessness issues should contact Surrey County Council.

Nextstep is a housing service delivered by the YMCA, housing individuals and couples aged 18+ with private rented accommodation. They will help clients with limited means, who are unable to raise a rent deposit themselves, by offering landlords with private property to rent a bond as security for a deposit. Call 01737 378482 for further information and to apply.

Our housing team offers advice and guidance on learning and employment issues from a qualified adviser through the Employment, Training and Housing Options Support (ETHOS) project. The project is delivered by the Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership, a charity which works with partners to ensure those who have missed out on learning in the past have opportunities to learn and to reach their full potential.

For further information please see the ETHOS project leaflet or complete the referral form.

East Surrey Outreach Service (eSOS) can offer one-to-one support for people who have had a history of sleeping rough and need help and advice to gain control of their lives and break the cycle of rough sleeping. An individual resettlement or support plan will be worked out and agreed with each person to meet their needs.

For further information please visit the eSOS website, call 07436 273 614 or e-mail esos@thamesreach.org.uk.

The Private Sector Access Scheme (PSAS) is for families in need of urgent housing. We have produced guidance leaflets for both tenants and landlords that are interested in learning more about the scheme.

If you are a landlord who wants to offer a property that may be suitable for rent, please complete the Private Sector Access Scheme form.

You can get more information about private renting through www.gov.uk/private-renting.