Making and submitting a planning application

Submit your application

What do you need to submit with your application?

Other information

What happens once your application has been submitted?

  • We make sure the application has all the relevant information and drawings to describe the development.
  • If we need any more information we will contact you to get this before we accept your application is complete (valid).
  • Your application will be registered and allocated to a Planning Officer.
  • We will write to tell you who your Planning Officer is and when a decision will be made.
  • The Planning Officer will carry out all the necessary consultations, visit the site and make a recommendation for decision.

Most applications are decided by officers. When an application is referred to the Planning Committee, there will be an opportunity for the applicant, an objector and the Parish Council to speak at the meeting before the Committee determines the application.

As part of the public consultation, we write to any properties immediately sharing a boundary with the application site and include information about how to comment on an application and when by. Most applications are considered within the statutory time period.

All application comments are public documents which are available for inspection or can be viewed on the website, but some personal information will be redacted before being published.

We consider all valid planning applications we receive. We encourage applicants or their agents to consider Pre-application discussions before submitting an application.

Appealing against a decision

Only the applicant can appeal against the refusal of planning permission within six months of the decision, 12 weeks for householder proposals or 8 weeks for advertisements. The appeal is made to the Planning Inspectorate.