How the Council is run

Tandridge District Council has 43 council seats, representing 18 wards. One councillor is elected to each seat to look after the interests of the district. 

The political balance of the Council is 20 Residents' Alliance, 11 Liberal Democrats, 7 Conservative and 5 Independent Group councillors.

The political balance before the election on 2 May 2024 was 18 Residents’ Alliance, 11 Liberal Democrats, 9 Conservatives and 4 Independent Group councillors


There are eight main committees which councillors attend. These carry out the detailed business of the council. Council agendas and minutes are published online.

They are also available at our offices.

Council constitution

The Council's constitution sets out:

  • How the Council operates.
  • Standing orders for meetings and general governance.
  • Financial regulations.
  • Contract standing orders.
  • Delegation of powers to committees and officers.
  • Various codes, schemes and protocols.

Councillors’ allowances

All councillors receive a taxable allowance of £4,446. Some councillors also receive a special responsibility allowance for certain roles, for example Leader / Deputy Leader of the Council; Leader of the Opposition; Chair / Vice Chair of the Council and certain committees. 

Details of councillors’ allowances are published annually.