Anti-social behaviour and neighbour nuisance

We take anti-social behaviour seriously and our promise to you is that we will deal with it when it is reported.

If you’ve got a problem with ASB:

  • We’ll be open and honest about what we can do.
  • We’ll tell you what you can do to help the situation.
  • We’ll tell you who else could help, such as the Police or environmental health.

If you need to report ASB then please report it to our customer services team or telephone 01883 720000.

If you are concerned please call the non-emergency police number 101. If you think it’s an emergency, always call 999.

What happens when you report ASB:

  • We’ll listen to you and we’ll agree a plan of what can be done to help with the situation.
  • This will include what we can do and what you can do to help too.
  • And if we need to, we’ll get other agencies involved, such as an environmental health officer or the police.
  • We’ll get in touch with you when we receive the case and so you can keep us up to date with how things are going. We’ll agree with you how often we’ll contact you once we have seen the case.

If we can’t get hold of you or don’t hear back from you, we’ll assume there’s no longer a problem and close the case.

Please remember we don’t have any powers to deal with neighbourhood parking problems, ball games, children playing in the street and normal day-to-day living noise.

Below is a list of useful guides if you are experiencing anti-social behaviour. 

If you are experiencing a hate crime, please use our Report Hate crime page. 

To report a crime contact Surrey Police on 101.