Conservation areas

We designate conservation areas where we want to protect or enhance places because of their special architectural or historical interest. Conservation area designation helps us better manage change so the character of an area isn’t undermined. Tandridge has 19 conservation areas (listed below). Their boundaries can be seen on our Planning Policy Maps.

Within conservation areas we have extra controls over:

  • Demolition
  • Minor developments
  • The protection of trees
  • The design of new development

The demolition of a building (totally or substantially) in a conservation area needs planning permission. Generally we will resist the loss of buildings that make a positive contribution to the character or appearance of the conservation area.

Within conservation areas there is more control over work that would otherwise be classed as permitted development.

For example, in a conservation area, permission will be required to install roof dormer windows, or certain types of cladding and sometimes permission may be needed for satellite dishes. There are also different requirements for the erection of outbuildings.

If you are proposing to cut down, top or lop a tree in a conservation area, whether or not it is covered by a tree preservation order, you must give us six weeks notice. Please submit this notice through the Planning Portal.

During the six week period we will assess the contribution the tree makes to the character of the area and decide whether to place a preservation order on it. If you do not comply with this requirement can be fined up to £20,000.

We pay special attention to the design of new developments in conservation areas and want these to be sympathetic to the character of the area. We will assess whether the proposal preserves or enhances the character of the area. The materials to be used should reflect those found locally. Hard surfaces and landscaping must respect and integrate with the local scene.

Further guidance on specific Conservation areas:

Name Description Date of designation Area (in hectares)
Bletchingley Historic village - former market town. A Bletchingley Conservation Area Appraisal has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance. 1969 18
Brewer Street & Place Farm, Bletchingley Historic hamlet - containing Grade I listed Brewer Street Farm and site of former Bletchingley Palace 1990 22
Broadham Green and Spring Lane Oxted Area containing hamlet of Broadham Green and buildings and other features at Oxted Mill 1990 31
Burstow Small historic village 1990 6
Caterham Barracks Former 19th century army barracks - now redeveloped for mixed uses 1996 11
Chaldon Historic village centre - centred on church and Chaldon Court 1973 7
Fickleshole Small hamlet containing two farms and the White Bear PH 1990 5
Godstone - Church Town Historic centre of Godstone ('Walkingstead") - contains Church of St Nicholas and Grade II* listed almshouses 1972 3
Godstone - The Green Godstone village centre - centred around Godstone Green 1972 17
Great Farleigh Green Small settlement - buildings grouped around central common 1990 14
Kenley Aerodrome Battle of Britain Airfield - In December 2005 the part of Kenley Airfield within Tandridge was designated a Conservation Area. In January 2006 the London Borough of Croydon designated the part within its area a Conservation Area. A joint Kenley Aerodrome Conservation Area Proposals Statement has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance. 2005 15
Limpsfield Village Historic village centre.  Tandridge District Council adopted a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for the Limpsfield Village Conservation Area in June 2022. 


Boundaries amended in 2022.

Lingfield Originally designated as three areas - Gun Pond, Church Town and High Street 1972/1972/1990 19
Oxted Historic centre of Oxted, now known as Old Oxted - characterised by steep, narrow road 1972 5
Outwood Village centred on Outwood Common and Grade I listed Outwood Mill 1990 34
Pendell Small settlement comprised of a number of large country houses including Grade I listed Pendell House 1990 22
South Park Small, isolated settlement centred on South Park House and St Marks Chapel 1990 3
Station Road West, Oxted Street comprised almost entirely of early 20th century 'mock Tudor' buildings, many with elaborate wood carving detail 1990 2
Woldingham Green Village centre with Woldingham Green as central feature 1990 3

If a building is listed this means it has formally been identified as being of special architectural or historical interest. Listed buildings are recorded on English Heritage’s National Heritage List for England.

It also means there are extra controls over changes to it, in addition to normal planning and building regulations. If you want to alter a listed building you must obtain listed building consent before making certain changes. Our Guide to making an application for Listed Building Consent explains what works need consent and how to apply for this. Please also check with our Planning Applications team before carrying out any works to listed buildings.

The Council relies for its historic buildings advice from Surrey County Council's Historic Environment Planning team. All queries relating to proposed works to listed buildings should be directed to the Tandridge District Council planning application team.

It is an offence to demolish, extend or alter a listed building in any way that affects its character without first obtaining listed building consent. We may prosecute if you fail to do so. If you are convicted the penalties can be heavy.

To apply for planning consent, please use the Planning Portal. There is no fee for listed building applications.

You will need to show the impact of the proposal on the building’s character. You may need to obtain your own specialist advice for this. Usually we will issue the Council’s decision within eight weeks, subject to the Secretary of State’s approval required for applications involving Grade I and II* buildings. Many developments within the curtilage of a listed building will need specific planning permission and may also need building regulation approval.

If you are an owner of or are considering buying a listed building you might find the following leaflets useful:

Maintaining listed buildings

The Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings has information on how to care for historic buildings. Small discretionary grants may be available from us to help owners of listed buildings keep them in good repair. Grants may also be available from the Surrey Historic Buildings Trust. English Heritage may be able to offer some financial help for repairs to Grade 1 and Grade II* listed buildings.

There are buildings of character in our district, which although not given statutory protection, we wish to see retained because of their local interest or character. We use the Buildings of Character Assessment Criteria to determine if a building should be added to this list.