National Landscapes

As of 22nd November 2023, all Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) were renamed as National Landscapes. Tandridge has two National Landscapes – Surrey Hills, which covers much of the northern part of the District and High Weald, which covers the south-eastern corner of the district.

National Landscapes remain as AONBs in so far as all policy, legislation and guidance applies to the designated landscape. The statutory purpose ‘ to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the designated landscape’ remains unchanged.Tandridge has adopted Management Plans for both National Landscapes.

The Surrey Hills and High Weald National Landscape websites contain other documents, including design guidance for development proposals located in either of these areas.

Surrey Hills Boundary Review

Surrey Hills Boundary Review Natural England has started a formal review of the Surrey Hills National Landscape boundary, which will consider the case for extending the existing AONB. Further information about the boundary review, including how you can get involved, can be found on the Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review website.