Register to vote

To have your say in the 2 May elections, you need to be registered by Tuesday 16 April. If you're not already registered, please complete an online application form on the website

Voting is your chance to elect those you believe will best represent your interests, in local and national matters. Find what you can vote for at different elections in the UK.

You need to be on the electoral register to vote in elections and referendums. You can register to vote online at You will need to provide your:

  • National Insurance number (if you have one).
  • Name, address and previous address.
  • Nationality and date of birth.

If this information cannot be verified during the checking process our Electoral Registration Officer will contact you for more information before you can be registered to vote.


To check if you are eligible to register to vote, visit the Electoral Commission's website

Overseas Electors

Changes to voting in UK Parliament elections from overseas.

If you have previously lived or been registered to vote in the UK you can vote in UK Parliament elections.

You can register to vote online and your overseas declaration is now valid for three years, after which it will need to be renewed.

As an overseas voter, you are eligible to participate in UK Parliament general elections. You are not eligible though to vote in local elections.

For more information visit the Electoral Commission's website.