Air quality

We are required to monitor air quality across the district and assess whether the nationally prescribed objectives for the pollutants of concern are being achieved. The main pollutant which is measured is nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

We produce an Annual Status Report which reports the results of the air quality monitoring for the previous year.

Local monitoring for NO2 in 2019 found compliance with the national objective at all sites monitored but one. The site TD10 on the High Street in Godstone marginally exceeded the annual mean objective. We have commenced additional monitoring in the immediate vicinity of TD10 to establish whether the elevated result is an isolated incident and whether other locations on that stretch of the road might be exceeding the objective.

Should this exceedance be confirmed in future years, the Council will proceed to declare an Air Quality Management Area, and an Air Quality Action Plan will be prepared subsequently to address the exceedance.

More information can be found in the report, using the link above.


AirAlert is a service which sends messages directly to registered users informing them about air pollution levels in their area. AirAlert is intended for people with respiratory health problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, who may be affected by episodes of air pollution.

Registered users are sent a text, voicemail or e-mail message the day before moderate or higher levels of air pollution are forecast. This allows people with health problems or their carers to make choices on what they do, where they go and whether they need to take medication with them. The service is free.

How do I register?

You can register online at AirAlert.Info, call 01737 276403 or 01372 47475, or print off, complete and return the AirAlert form.

Open fires and wood burning stoves

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has produced a practical guide to getting the best from open fires and wood burning stoves.