Policies and guidance

There is a range of further planning guidance applicable in the District. The guidance does not form part of the development plan, however it is a material consideration in decision-making. 

  • Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and older-style Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPGs) provide detailed advice to support the delivery of the local development plan. They provide detailed guidance on how policies or proposals in development plan documents will be implemented. 
  • Interim Policy Statement. This does not have the status of a Local Plan policy or SPD, however as it was formally adopted by us, it is regarded as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. 
  • Design guides and character assessments to inform development within particular areas of the district.

In September 2022, the Council adopted an Interim Policy Statement for Housing Delivery (IPSHD) as part of the Housing Delivery Test Action Plan. The IPSHD is re-published here for ease of reference. The IPSHD aims to provide a consistent approach to planning policy considerations in the determination of planning applications in Tandridge District. 

An Area of special control of advertisements is specifically defined by the planning authority because its scenic, historical, architectural or cultural features are considered so significant that a stricter degree of advertisement control is justified in order to conserve visual amenity within that area.


In 2002 the Council modified the 1971 Area of Special Control of Advertisements Order.

The 2002 Order documents are available below: